Hollow Glass Microspheres
#3 Unlocking the Potential of Hollow Glass Microspheres

A Game-Changer in Material Science

Hollow Glass Microspheres (HGMs), also known as hollow glass bubbles, are revolutionizing various industries with their unique properties and versatile applications. These tiny, spherical particles offer a range of benefits, from improving liquidity to reducing product shrinkage, making them an ideal choice for high-performance applications.

Enhancing Liquidity

and Processing Efficiency

Hollow Glass Microspheres (HGMs), with their spherical shape and large size, act like ball-bearings, enhancing the liquidity of resin mixtures and reducing internal stress. This ball-bearing effect reduces the viscosity of the resin mixture, leading to less dynamic heat during processing. As a result, the risk of insufficient lubrication and local thermal decomposition is minimized, making injection molding more efficient. This not only reduces product defects but also boosts production efficiency by 15%-20%.

With a minimal surface area and low oil absorption rate, Hollow Glass Microspheres (HGMs) exhibit excellent dispersion in mixtures. They can be easily compressed and fused, demonstrating high filling properties. This allows for a significant reduction in the amount of resins used, thereby reducing VOC targets and costs.

Maximizing Resin Replacement Rate

Minimizing Product

Shrinkage and Warping

The isotropic nature and high fill volume of hollow glass bubbles contribute to high dimensional stability in products, reducing shrinkage and warping. With the right proportion of these microspheres, products can achieve improved toughness, enhanced impact resistance, and increased surface hardness.

The density of high-performance resin is only a fraction of the density of hollow glass bubbles. By replacing heavier materials with a small amount of these microspheres, significant cost reductions can be achieved when considering the cost per unit volume.


Volume Utilization

Customizing Product Density

Hollow Glass Microspheres (HGMs) typically have a density ranging from 0.20 to 0.60 g/cm3, while the density of minerals is generally around 2.7 to 4.4 g/cm3. By adding different proportions of these microspheres, you can achieve the ideal density for your specific requirements.

In conclusion...,

Hollow Glass Microspheres (HGMs) are transforming material science with their unique properties and versatile applications. Whether it's improving liquidity, reducing product shrinkage, or customizing product density, these microspheres are proving to be a game-changer in the industry.


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Hollow Glass Microspheres

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